If you would like to get to know horses or simply be around horses, connect with them, make friends: you are welcome!
“Being with horses”, the subtle connection with horses helps you to live in the present, helps you to connect with nature, with yourself and with others. An important part of connecting is communicating with horses: you can learn what different reactions mean and learn to think a little like a “horse”.
The horse is a mirror… it shows us, it reflects what it sees, experiences and receives from us. It behaves and reacts exactly to what it senses from us. It is therefore also a valuable way of self-awareness.
With them you don’t have to rush, you can’t hurry, horses don’t understand the modern, accelerated world, you have to slow down in a good way. And maybe that’s why, when you’re with them, you can notice the everyday beauty and the wonder of nature.
No riding experience is necessary for this activity, it’s up to you if you want to get on one. Moving on horseback is not only good for you physically, but also mentally: it helps you to accept yourself and others.
If you have been afraid of horses and riding, but are still attracted by the their closeness, come and visit us!
You can find more information about the current thematic workshops and retreats organized in Napmajor on our Facebook page.
The farm, located only 37 miles from Budapest, has been continuously improved since spring 2019. Our goal is to make Napmajor a retreat place that embraces a wide range of activities, where aquatic and horse activities, family and individual adventure programs, meditation and yoga can be combined, reinforcing each other’s healing effects.
In addition, one of the fundamental aims of the Napmajor was to bring its experiential programs to children from disadvantaged backgrounds or from foster care.