The indoor, heated pool of the Napmajor is perfect for a deep relaxation water massage, dynamic meditation. This floating treatment is done in warm water with gentle stretches, flowing movement and massage elements. Warm water is an ideal medium for the joint release and calming of body and mind.
The healing effects of water on our locomotor and mental states have long been proven. On this basis, the AQUACONTACT meditating water treatment was invented to create a relaxed, stress-free environment that triggers the body’s self-healing mechanisms.
Our spine is overloaded heavily, in fact much more than it would be ideal. In the medium of water, the body becomes weightless and thus relieved of the burden, that is a unique opportunity that is impossible to experience in any other circumstances. Tension is relieving, not only in the muscles and therefore in the joints, but also in the nervous system itself. Thus, aquacontact has good effect on our mental state without the need for the person to do any special effort.
In a state of weightless floating, the body relaxes, the mind slows down, the emotions flow and you enter a meditative state, a state of being present in stillness: this is facilitated by the bouncing motion, the warm water, the safety of the other person.
Water has a special gift that is available to anyone, a kind of ancient knowledge that we experience and know from our birth.
The relationship with water is also a symbol of the constant continuity within us. It is a constantly moving, flowing, yet gently holding medium that helps us to live the ability of lightness and playfulness that can manifest in our lives and relationships. It can make space again for abilities that were bravely lived in childhood but lost or abandoned during our life.
Within the aquacontact it is also possible to actively participate in the treatment, to give direction to the hydrotherapist with the movements of your body, so that the treatment can become a shared choreography, in which the role of the practitioner and the patient can be eliminated and the experience of oneness can be lived.
You can do all of this individually, as a dance, with a partner or alone, guided or independently. Private aquatic sessions will also give you the opportunity to move totally freely in the water, developing your movement creativity. Moving with the water is also a great experience, it can change the way you see yourself, like a game of self-discovery.
You can find more information about the current thematic workshops and retreats organized in Napmajor on our Facebook page.
The farm, located only 37 miles from Budapest, has been continuously improved since spring 2019. Our goal is to make Napmajor a retreat place that embraces a wide range of activities, where aquatic and horse activities, family and individual adventure programs, meditation and yoga can be combined, reinforcing each other’s healing effects.
In addition, one of the fundamental aims of the Napmajor was to bring its experiential programs to children from disadvantaged backgrounds or from foster care.